Today’s adult learners often combine education with ongoing employment and family responsibilities. They need reliable, high-quality learning resources that are convenient—available anytime, from anywhere. The solution?
Online Tutorials (Bibliographic Instruction)
Online tutorials give students the coaching and guidance they need to use not only the resources of e-global library, but also the broader resources of their information universe. For example, e-global library offers tutorials on using libraries, using the Internet for research, doing business research on the Internet, and writing research papers (with special emphasis on properly using Internet-based resources). Unlike on-campus academic librarians, these tutorials are available to students 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and can be accessed from the students’ homes, offices, or anywhere else the students have Internet connectivity.
Program Resources (Research Assistance)
More than 125 topic-specific research guides introduce students to each topic, explain research strategies, alternative search terms, and Library of Congress subject headings, and then identify and describe the best information resources for that topic. Whereas in an on-campus library, students generally consider only the tried and true, i.e., books and print journals, with e-global library, students are also encouraged to explore a broader range of information resources by linking to appropriate and authoritative association materials, online journals, government documents, research institute reports, and Internet-based white papers, surveys, statistics, and similar materials. The goal is not just to provide the best resources on a given topic for a class assignment, but also to expand the students’ understanding and mastery of the broad range of information available to them.Online Books (Core Collection of Books)
Although books may be less important in some cutting-edge disciplines because of their lack of timeliness, we believe they continue to be the best option for certain types of information. In keeping with our commitment to offer library services to students whenever and wherever they need them, e-global library contains a collection of more than 21,000 online books, with more being added monthly. Online books allow students to highlight, annotate, and comment “in the margins” in the same way that print books do, with the added benefit of accessibility. There are no hours during which this collection will be “closed” to students in the way an on-campus library can be. In addition, multiple students can view and make notes in one book simultaneously; which means all of the books are always available; no need to worry about “due dates.”
General Reference (General Reference)
Occasionally, a student will need a dictionary, almanac, encyclopedia, or biography to help them with their studies. We have compiled more than 125 sources, organized into 15 categories, to help students locate just about anything they would find in a library’s reference area.
Special Collections: Government Resources, Financial Aid Resources, Career Development
Resources, Life and Leisure Resources
Links to an important and often-overlooked resource: government documents. The library’s Government Resource collection includes materials from more than 325 government sites that provide access to more than 150,000 full-text documents, including laws, regulations, statistics, technical reports, technical specifications and standards, consumer guides, business resources, and educational materials