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All Holy Spirit University of Atlanta a Graduate students must successfully complete a Graduate-Level Thesis (of ca. 60-80 pages) in fulfillment of degree requirements. Students work in close collaboration with a principal field specialist (faculty member) so as to develop a focus for research inquiry specifically relevant to the individual candidate´s field of specialization and particular interests within that field. The Thesis proposal (contextualization, problems, hypotheses, objectives, methods of investigation and data collection, narrative outline and preliminary bibliography) must be approved in advance by the directing (graduate) faculty member, by a second field specialist (also a graduate faculty member of the institution) and by the Dean of the Graduate School. The goal: to produce in the end an analytical, documented and solid contribution within an area of focused concentration, indicative of advanced, graduate-level study. The thesis must demonstrate the development of a significant and sophisticated knowledge-base, honed critical thinking skills, significant mastery of research methods and professional exposition. The completed work should be worthy of wide-scale presentation to others thus facilitating the graduate student´s advancement, upon degree completion, within the professional arena.